Let me start by saying that I am excited for you. The only reason that you would be reading this is because you have determined that owning a home may be right for you. It means that you are at least exploring the possibilities and considering what life would look like as a homeowner. That alone is exciting and a proposition that is full of promise.
Your reading this also means that I have a chance to earn the opportunity to help you to achieve Your Own Personal American Dream. One of the reasons that I love my job is because I get to help people just like you create and shape their lifestyle through homeownership. It is truly an honor when someone allows me that opportunity. So let me share with you how I can help.
All of our services start with a quick 15 – 30 minute coaching call which is a basic introductory consultation. On that call you take out your dream paint brush and start painting a picture of what your American Dream looks like. I will ask you some specific questions about your plans and qualifications and, if we both decide at the end of that call that we should move to the next stage, we will schedule your comprehensive buyer consultation.
Depending on your experience as a homeowner/future homeowner, right off the bat you will notice that my approach is much different than 98% or more of real estate agents that you may have talked to or even worked with in the past. Since 1989 I have been a full time REALTOR® and have had the privilege of helping hundreds of families, couples, and individuals buy and sell homes. I discovered along the way that the more time taken in planning and preparing up front, the more successful the home purchase or sale would be in the end.
As your HousingCoach℠ I will help you to develop and solid home buying game plan which will incorporate your current circumstances and your plans, goals, and dreams for the next 5, 10, or even 20 or more years into the future. Your success as a home buyer can be measured in how well you are equipped and prepared to find the home that best fits your plan, compete against other home buyers, negotiate with the seller from a place of strength, and complete the transaction with as few hassles as possible.
Once we decide to work together I will help you to build out your Home Buying Game Plan, assemble your Home Buying Real Estate Team, structure and activate an automated Home Search Process, prepare you to have the best competitive advantage, negotiate on your behalf to get the best possible deal, and coordinate all of the transaction requirements and activities until the deal is closed.
My goal is that in the process of helping you to achieve Your Personal American Dream, that you are provided a personal level of service such that you feel compelled to refer me and my services to your family, friends, co-workers, and people you care about. That is how I will know I did my job well.
Schedule your Quick Coaching Call Here and lets craft Your Personal American Dream together!