Let me start by saying that I am excited for you. The only reason that you would be reading this is because you have determined that owning a home may be right for you. It means that you are at least exploring the possibilities and considering what life would look like as a homeowner. That alone is exciting and a proposition that is full of promise.
Your reading this also means that I have a chance to earn the opportunity to help you to achieve Your Own Personal American Dream. One of the reasons that I love my job is because I get to help people just like you create and shape their lifestyle through homeownership. It is truly an honor when someone allows me that opportunity. So let me share with you how I can help.
All of our services start with a quick 15 – 30 minute coaching call which is a basic introductory consultation. On that call you take out your dream paint brush and start painting a picture of what your American Dream looks like. I will ask you some specific questions about your plans and qualifications and, if we both decide at the end of that call that we should move to the next stage, we will schedule your comprehensive buyer consultation.
Depending on your experience as a homeowner/future homeowner, right off the bat you will notice that my approach is much different than 98% or more of real estate agents that you may have talked to or even worked with in the past. Since 1989 I have been a full time REALTOR® and have had the privilege of helping hundreds of families, couples, and individuals buy and sell homes. I discovered along the way that the more time taken in planning and preparing up front, the more successful the home purchase or sale would be in the end.
As your HousingCoach℠ I will help you to develop and solid home buying game plan which will incorporate your current circumstances and your plans, goals, and dreams for the next 5, 10, or even 20 or more years into the future. Your success as a home buyer can be measured in how well you are equipped and prepared to find the home that best fits your plan, compete against other home buyers, negotiate with the seller from a place of strength, and complete the transaction with as few hassles as possible.
Once we decide to work together I will help you to build out your Home Buying Game Plan, assemble your Home Buying Real Estate Team, structure and activate an automated Home Search Process, prepare you to have the best competitive advantage, negotiate on your behalf to get the best possible deal, and coordinate all of the transaction requirements and activities until the deal is closed.
My goal is that in the process of helping you to achieve Your Personal American Dream, that you are provided a personal level of service such that you feel compelled to refer me and my services to your family, friends, co-workers, and people you care about. That is how I will know I did my job well.
Confrontation of two different size piggy bank on yellow background.
There’s a common misconception that, as a homebuyer, you need to come up with 20% of the total sale price for your down payment. In fact, a recent survey by Lending Tree asks what is keeping consumers from purchasing a home. For over half of those surveyed, the ability to afford a down payment is the biggest hurdle.
That may be because those individuals assume a 20% down payment is necessary. While putting more money down if you’re able can benefit buyers, putting 20% down is not mandatory. As Freddie Mac puts it:
“The most damaging down payment myth—since it stops the homebuying process before it can start—is the belief that 20% is necessary.”
If saving that much money sounds overwhelming, you might be ready to give up on the dream of homeownership before you even begin – but you don’t have to. According to the Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the median down payment hasn’t been over 20% since 2005. It may sound surprising, but today’s average down payment is only 12%. That number is even lower for first-time homebuyers, whose average down payment is only 7%.
Based on the Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report from NAR, the graph below shows an even closer look at the down payment percentage various age groups pay:As the graph shows, the only groups who put 20% or more down on average are older homebuyers who likely can use the sale of an existing home to fuel a larger down payment on their next home.
What does this mean for you?
If you’re a prospective homebuyer, it’s important to know you don’t have to put the full 20% down. And while saving for any down payment amount may feel like a challenge, keep in mind there are programs for qualified buyers that allow them to purchase a home with a down payment as low as 3.5%. There are also options like VA loans and USDA loans with no down payment requirements for qualified applicants.
To understand your options, you do need to do your homework. If you’re interested in learning more about down payment assistance programs, information is available through sites like downpaymentresource.com. Be sure to also work with a real estate advisor from the start to learn what you may qualify for in the homebuying process.
Bottom Line
Don’t let the myth of the 20% down payment halt your homebuying process before it begins. If you want to purchase a home this year, let’s connect to start the conversation and explore your options.
Tiny little hand-made paper house and two miniature trees on open book, sitting on white background.
There’s a common misconception that younger generations aren’t interested in homeownership. Many people point to the fact that millennials put off purchasing their first home as a reason for this belief.
Odeta Kushi, Deputy Chief Economist for First American, explains why millennials have put off certain milestones linked to homeownership. Those delays led to their homeownership rates trailing slightly behind older generations:
“Historically, millennials have delayed the critical lifestyle choices oftenlinked to buying a first home, including getting married and having children, in order to further their education. This is clear in cross-generational comparisons of homeownership rates which show millennials lagging their generational predecessors.”
So, it’s partially true that some millennials have waited onhomeownership to focus on other things in their lives – and that’s impacting certain housing market trends.
Data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) indicates the average age of a first-time homebuyer is higher today than it’s been over the past 40 years. As the graph below shows, homebuyers today are purchasing their first home an average of4 years later than people in the 1980s and early 1990s:But just because millennials are hitting certain milestones later in life doesn’t mean they’re not interested in becoming homeowners. The recent U.S. Census reveals a significant increase in homeownership rates for millennials and other young homebuyers.As the graph above shows, millennials are entering the market in full force, and their share of the market is growing. Based on the data, the belief that younger generations don’t want to buy homes is a misconception. In fact, the recent Capital Market Outlook report from Merrill-Lynch further drives home this point, as it specifically mentions the effect millennials are having on demand:
“Demand is very strong because the biggest demographic cohort in history is moving through the household-formation and peak home-buying stages of its life cycle.”
Kushi is following the trend of millennial homeownership and puts it more simply, saying:
“. . . it’s clear that younger households (millennials!) are driving homeownership growth.”
As the largest generation, millennials’ impact on the market is growing as more and more people from that generation reach homebuying age – and Generation Z isn’t far behind, either. That means younger generations will likely continue to drive demand in the housing market for years to come.
Bottom Line
If you’re a member of a younger generation and interested in purchasing a home, you’re not alone. Many of your peers are on their path to homeownership, too. Let’s connect today and discuss what you can do to accomplish your homebuying goals.